Our Seekers program serves infants as young as 6 weeks. This group is seeking bonding and affection. As they experience this, they will build emotional assurances that will help them develop healthily. This group will develop gross and fine motor movements quickly as we place them in an environment conducive to this kind of growth. The foundation that they will build in our introductory program will lead to positive growth as they progress into our next program: Navigators.
View a week of math/science lesson plans for our Seekers.

After two years of early childhood education, it is developmentally appropriate to begin introducing classroom activities that resemble parts of a preschool classroom. Teachers lead small group activities that continue to refine fine motor development. Children may begin to show interest in letters and sounds and math concepts like sorting, sequencing, and patterns, and we begin to teach and model good social behavior. This is our Explorers program.

Navigators are appropriately named because this group displays an increased curiosity. They are developing interests in the items we place in their spaces. We want to stimulate that curiosity by introducing items that engage and feed their interests. Early learners in this group will begin to develop meaningful vocabulary. Language interaction continues to be an important component for this group. Soon, their language will become even more meaningful as they begin to learn how to express themselves orally. These are some examples of how we're working to prepare our Navigators.
Check out a social emotional learning lesson plan for our Navigators program.

Our preschool program began in 2014. Since then, we have had an amazing run of directors that have helped us develop a wide variety of enjoyable lessons to engage our early learners. Our preschool program begins to prepare early learners to become students in a classroom environment. We slowly introduce whole group instruction in a way that helps students get ready for those experiences in pre-k and kindergarten classrooms. The curriculum for the preschool program is more intentional than any of the preceding programs.
Take a look at a week of math/science lesson plans for our preschool program.

Our programming is designed to develop early learners physically, socially, emotionally, and scholastically. We divide our children into four age groups to help us accomplish this goal. Early learners progress through our programs with the peers with whom they will enter kindergarten. These groups are listed below with a brief description of their program. In the spirit of transparency, we’ve included some sample lesson plans in order for you to gain a glimpse of what your child’s early learning experience at LaFontaine will be.
Part-time and Full-time Programming
All of our programs are offered on a part-time and full-time basis. The part-time program includes a full-day Monday/Wednesday/Friday option or a full-day Tuesday/Thursday option. Our full-time program is full-day Monday-Friday. Drop-off for both programs begins at 7:15. Pick-up may be as late as 5:30.
Visit our enrollment page to learn more about the cost of each program.